Aura Air is the ideal solution for most active spaces in our home, such as living rooms, recreation rooms and bed rooms. It is also very much sutaible in Business areas like conference rooms, waiting areas aswell as personal cabins.It works with proven OptiPure ozone technology to rapidly oxidize the worst odors, freshen, energize and purify the air you breathe.
An advanced electrostatic filter is included with the air purifier to help kepp the purifier clean while at the same time filtering out particles. Unlike HEPA filter this is washable and can be used over and over again.
It generates a continous stream of millions of negetative ions that circulate thoughout the home. These ions charge particles such as dust or bactria causing them to attack other particles and clump together.
This unit can be easily adjusted to the preffered purification setting for your living area. Using these setting provides optimum performance and comfort. There are High low and medium modes for adjustment
Both the Advance Photo Catalytic Oxidation (PCO) and Scalable Oxydation work to destroy biological contaminates as well as odors, bactria and viruses. PCO Cells have been proven to reduce dangerious pathogerms.