Aura Oxy - Countertop alkaline water purifier with filter replace time reminder. Adopt ultra-filtration membrane as the main water treatment media. With help of multiple-stage pre-filtrations and post-filtrations, an Aura Oxy alkaline water purifier can effectively remove suspended sediment, rust, residual chlorine, organic matter, colloid, bacteria, and viruses in drinking water and improve water taste.
This water filter system is designed with 4 stages of water filtration for household use, with UF membrane filter as the main filter and Precision PP cotton filter and Coconut activated carbon filter, an alkaline filter.
Aura-Oxy Counter Top Alkaline water purifier comes with Digital Display which gives a reminder whenever any filter is tobe replaced.
This unit can be easily adjusted to the preffered purification setting for your living area. Using these setting provides optimum performance and comfort. There are High low and medium modes for adjustment
Both the Advance Photo Catalytic Oxidation (PCO) and Scalable Oxydation work to destroy biological contaminates as well as odors, bactria and viruses. PCO Cells have been proven to reduce dangerious pathogerms.